is the complete booking System for managing vehicles and meeting rooms. This system can able to manage vehicles and meeting rooms and drivers.

build with PHP, Bootstrap v5.2 and create modern

Aims of the project:

Booking vehicles and meeting rooms without hassle for booking

Expected Results:

Easy booking meeting room and vehicles 24/7 and manage it

Functional Requirements

• Vehicles: adding new vehicles should include [Car name – Model - Car license number – Seats].
• Manage Vehicles: updating vehicles information or mark as deactivate room or deleting it.
• Meeting Rooms: adding new meeting rooms should include [Room name – Seats – is room has data show? – is room has smart TV? – is room has air condition?].
• Manage Room: updating room information or mark as deactivate room or deleting it.
• Booking Room: booking room should include [room name – attenders – start and end date and time – reason of booking].
• Booking Car: booking car should include [car name – driver name – partners – start and end date and time ].

Drivers and Members:
• Members and Drivers can only login and see notifications there booking’s.


• User-friendliness.
• Utilization proficiency.
• User interface is very simple to understand.
• Security.
• Unwavering quality.

Thank you.!! for Choosing - . design and professional


  • Vehicles - Add Vehicle - Manage Vehicle
  • Meeting Rooms - Add Room - Manage Room
  • Bookings - Booking Car - Bookings Room
  • Manage Booking - Manage Car Booking - Manage Room Booking
  • Permissions - Add New permissions - Manage permissions
  • Users - Add New User - Manage Users

Frontend Booking

Frontend Booking page allows user to see his booking vehicles and meeting rooms. login functionality also included.

Frontend Booking


URL : www.yourdomain.com/login -> url takes to admin login page.

Total Vehicle's, Total Avaliable Vehicle's, Total Meeting Rooms, Total Avaliable Meeting Rooms in Dashboard section.



You can list, create and edit in vehicles section.

Add Vehicle
Lists of vehicles
Vehicle editing

Vehicle Booking

You can list, create, and edit in Booking section.

Add Vehicle Booking
Lists of Vehicles Bookings
Vehicles Booking Edit

Meeting Rooms

You can list, create and edit in meeting rooms section.

Add meeting rooms
Lists of meeting roomss
meeting rooms editing

Meeting Rooms Booking

Add Meeting Room Booking
Lists of Meeting Rooms Bookings
Meeting Rooms Booking edit


You can add and manage permissions in Permissions section.

Add New permission
Lists of permissions
Manage permissions


You can add and manage user accounts in Users section.

Add New User
Lists of Users
Manage Users


Once again, thank you so much for using - . If you need any help or need special customizing, please feel free to contact us via our Email. Thank you.

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